coach — BLOG — Cindy Giovagnoli
No Starting Over
Coaching, Road Trip, Travel, Outdoor AdventureCindy GiovagnoliColumbia River Gorge, birthday, start over, starting over, life lessons, learning, things we've learned, curiosity, stay curious, curiosity coach, coaching, coach
Hot Glass Cold Glass
Coaching, Events, Retreats & Workshops, Say The WordCindy Giovagnolibeliefs, misbeliefs, decision making, decisions, limiting beliefs, mindset, mindset shift, retreat, curiosity, curiosity coach, personal development, journaling, journaling workshop, writing, workshop, self-care, self-compassion, self-care practices, practicing self-care, how to self-care, take care of yourself, self-improvement, coach, coaching
It's Not "Cute"
Coaching, Say The Word, Retreats & WorkshopsCindy Giovagnolicuriosity, curiosity coach, curious, stay curious, how to practice curiosity, Say The Word method, say the word retreat, retreat, workshop, skill, language skills, journaling, journaling workshop, coach, coaching, life coaching, life coach, business coaching, business coach, Seattle life coach, personal development, self-improvement
Bedazzled Slippers
Coaching, LifestyleCindy Giovagnolipandemic wall, self-care, self-care practices, how to self-care, practicing self-care, self-compassion, take care of yourself, self-improvement, personal development, coach
1% For Community
Coaching, Retreats & Workshops, Say The WordCindy Giovagnolicommunity, marginal gains, curiosity, curiosity coach, stay curious, coach, coaching, life coaching, life coach, business coaching, say the word retreat, Say The Word method
1% For Resilience
CoachingCindy Giovagnoliresilience, personal development, marginal gains, coach, coaching, curiosity, curiosity coach, life coaching, life coach, Seattle life coach
CoachingCindy Giovagnolifargin, happiness for another, gratitude, curiosity coach, coach, coaching, personal development, self-improvement, happy new year, life coach, life coaching, Seattle life coach
Simultaneous Emotions
CoachingCindy Giovagnolicomplicated, emotional literacy, be kind, coaching, coach, curiosity coach, curiosity, stay curious, life coaching, life coach
Use Your Words
Coaching, Retreats & Workshops, Say The WordCindy Giovagnolisay the word retreat, Say The Word method, retreat, workshop, journaling, journaling workshop, coaching, coach, curiosity coach, curiosity, how to practice curiosity, life coach, life coaching, Seattle life coach
Gratitude In Two Simple Steps
CoachingCindy Giovagnoligratitude, gratitude practice, Thanksgiving, holiday season, coach, coaching, curiosity, curiosity coach, stay curious, life coach, life coaching, Seattle life coach
Do You Really Need That Disclaimer?
Coaching, Say The WordCindy Giovagnolidisclaimers, qualifying language, coach, coaching, writing, curiosity coach, curiosity, stay curious, life coach, life coaching, Seattle life coach
Social Media Hiatus: 6 Weeks In
LifestyleCindy Giovagnolisocial media, social media break, social media hiatus, Cal Newport, coaching, coach, life coach, curiosity coach, curiosity, stay curious
Genuine Encouragement For A Better World
Coaching, LifestyleCindy Giovagnoliencourage, stay curious, curiosity, support, encouragement, genuine, shout outs, coaching, coach, curiosity coach, life coach, life coaching, Seattle life coach
Release: What Is It?
Coaching, Retreats & Workshops, Say The WordCindy Giovagnolirelease, language skills, emotional literacy, workshop, retreat, say the word retreat, curiosity, curiosity coach, Curiosity, coach, coaching, life coaching, life coach, Seattle life coach
Are You Actually Working It?
You Are Here
CoachingCindy Giovagnolicoaching, starting, how to stop overwhelm, coach, life coaching, life coach, Seattle life coach, Gila Wilderness, backpacking, New Mexico
Annihilate Perfectionism