About — Cindy Giovagnoli
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Hey there-

I’m Cindy Giovagnoli!

(wherein I reveal how to pronounce that beast of a name and other oh-so-juicy secrets…okay, not really that juicy, but there’s some good stuff here, I promise.)



Is this the part where I’m supposed to share my resume?

Uh-oh…I tossed mine off a mountaintop awhile back and haven’t bothered with one since.

(not really— that would be littering, silly, and I’m a big fan of this whole Planet Earth place!)

But I did stop updating it somewhere between quitting my career in the law and launching into business for myself more than a decade ago. #bestdecisionever

That old resume was pretty messy anyhow, and it never quite got to the good stuff. The stuff that really matters, the stuff that taught me how to change the way I think, take control of my choices and my time, and build a fulfilling and sustainable real life.

It all starts with— you guessed it— curiosity.

I have it in spades and I’ve learned to harness it to do the work I was born to do. Work that asks me to listen. Work that asks me to dig deeper. Work that asks me to show up with my armor off, my heart and mind open, and relentless flexibility as my weapon of choice.

Because that’s the power of curiosity when it’s fully developed and utilized as a skill and a habit.

Here’s the million dollar question: Can a cancer-surviving raft-guide-turned-lawyer-turned-photographer-turned-book-coach help you?

That’s a hellllllll yes.

So let’s get started.


That’s how you pronounce that alphabet soup I call a name…

While the more authentic Italian pronunciation is something along the lines of jo-van-yo-lee, I married into a solidly New England branch of the Giovagnoli clan and thus we pronounce it jiv-an-o-lee. This is what I get for spending my childhood wishing for a last name with more than one syllable!