meditation — BLOG — Cindy Giovagnoli
Daily Promise To Myself
Coaching, Creative NonfictionCindy Giovagnolicreative fire, how to live a life, daily life, being human, failure, resilience, coaching, curiosity, curiosity coach, stay curious, how to practice curiosity, meditation, meditation practice
The Root of Humility
CoachingCindy Giovagnolishould, letting go, humility, mcoaching, life coaching, life coach, life lessons, life, Seattle life coach, yoga teacher, meditation
Training Ground
Lifestyle, Outdoor Adventure, Travel, Writing, Road Trip, EditorialCindy Giovagnoliimperfection, failure, growth, noticing, the art of noticing, meditation
Effort and Ease
Lifestyle, Editorial, Outdoor Adventure, Road Trip, TravelCindy GiovagnoliCindy Giovagnoli, yoga, Glacier National Park, Montana, fall, autumn, national parks, road trip, meditation
The Art of Noticing: A Weekend Retreat!
EventsCindy Giovagnoliretreat, yoga retreat, mindfulness retreat, Maine retreat, mindfulness, meditation, writing, journaling, looking, noticing