Scholarship Slots (Deadline!)


I'm so excited by the outpouring of interest in the scholarship slots and to dig deep with the folks that have decided to use this time to put their goals and dreams into action with a Momentum Session— it's unbelievably inspiring to me to see the ways each of you have taken what you've needed to to cope with these unexpected changes and then have looked for ways to continue to move forward in your life and growth. 

You are awesome and I so appreciate you.

So… 4 things:

(1)  All of the following have a hard and fast MARCH 31 deadline. If you would like to apply for a scholarship slot or take advantage of my reduced prices, you must do so by midnight on Tuesday

(2) A lovely and generous former client, Megan Jenkins, has paid for three Momentum Sessions to be offered as scholarship spots! So I now have those to offer as well- THANK YOU, Megan!!  What a beautiful act of generosity and giving. If you're interested in one of those 3 slots, please click the button below to apply:

(3) I’m still accepting applications for the 2 free scholarship slots for a full coaching partnership with me. 90 days of support, tough love, and a whole lotta action toward the life you've know all along you should be living. Let's do this thing. Click the button below to apply:

(4) There are a few reduced priced spots left- Momentum Sessions for $350 (rather than the usual $997) and Crisis Management packages for $250 (rather than the usual $750). 

Crisis Management sessions are not usually available to the public, so if you've been curious about coaching and want to give it a test run, or simply want to strategize about how to deal with a single issue or question, this is the perfect opportunity. After midnight on Tuesday, they will go back to only being available for existing clients at full price. 

As always, I will continue to donate 5% of all sales to the usual places. This will be true of the reduced price packages as well as the scholarship slots (I will donate as though those were paid in full). 

Please share this info with anyone and everyone— I want to make sure that these resources reach those most in need of them!

Alrighty— have a great weekend and let me know how you're keeping yourself busy! I love hearing the creative ways everyone is taking care of themselves and each other during this shared experience and your stories keep me laughing, crying, feeling all the feels, and connected to your beautiful, messy, amazing lives!

P.S. All of this info first went out to my email list…if you aren’t on it, you’re missing out on all the fun!