Byron Glacier: A Photo Essay

We walked in sub-freezing temperatures across a rocky and snow covered landscape to reach the base of a massive wall of ice. We walked inside that wall and stood in awe of its power, touched the prehistoric stones caught in the ice, looked warily at the cracks in the turquoise ice creating a spiderweb over our heads.
I want to tell you more. I want to find the words to describe the feelings that this tunnel of blue unleashed inside of me. I will find them. I will share them with you when I do. But I don’t have them today.
I have been writing a ton lately and giving a lot of myself and I find that as I come to the page today, I simply crave the quiet. Maybe you do too.
So instead of more words, I give you images. Images that do, of course, fall short of the experience, but that I hope give some sense of the magic of time and ages and eons and frailty and change…all in a tunnel of ancient ice and primeval stone.